Cine UFA-Palacio em construção. Cinema para 4.000 espectadores.
Inauguração do UFA Palacio em 13 November 1936.

Inauguração do UFA Palacio em 13 November 1936.

13 November 1936.
glorious UFA Palace.

Ten years later - in 1946 when Gilda de Abreu's 'O ébrio' with Vicente Celestino opened, one could clearly see Cine UFA-Palacio that had changed its name to Art-Palacio, in 1942, looked dilapidated. Sooner they would 'renovate' it and those glorious Art-Deco columns would simply disappear...
'O ébrio' (The drunkard) opened on 2nd December 1946, at Cine Art Palacio.
'Carnaval em lá maior' premiere in 1955.
'Maltese Falcon' (Relíquia macabra) with Humphrey Bogart & Mary Astor is shown at Cine Art Palacio in 1942.
photo taken by Antonio Aguillar when a Dean Martin movie was on.'Carnaval em lá maior' premiere in 1955.