Renato Macedo was one of the Macedo Brothers; Blota Junior started on radio, then went to TV
producer & speaker Henrique Lobo; Moraes Sarmento thrived in the 'oldies but goodies' segment
popular comedian Murilo Amorim Correa impersonated Vitório, Jacinto etc.: Odayr Marzano
Nhô Totico, the greatest S.Paulo broadcaster in the 30s & 40s; Waldemar Ciglione
radio-actress Cecy de Alencar; Stella Camargo sang with her sister Hebe as Rosalina & Florisbela.
Walter Forster started as a comedian and graduated as a leading man in novelas; Pagano Sobrinho was a great comedian who worked well into the late 1960s; Zé Fidelis was a comedian who also recorded myriad of parodys lampooning hits of the day. before making it in São Paulo, Barros de Alencar (from Paraíba) worked at Radio Guarany in Belo Horizonte-MG in 1958.
Mário Júlio (left), Revista do Radio São Paulo editor grants some sort of gold-medal to singer Wilson Miranda in 1960; next photo singer George Freedman accepts the same honour from the hands of Revista do Radio operative Osvaldo Siccone, being watched by Julio Rosemberg, Radio Cultura DJ and compere. Julio Rosemberg was a great radio man in São Paulo. He went back to his native Rio Grande do Sul in the 1970s.Radio Bandeirantes as it stood on 24 March 1963:
9:00 - A dança das horas - Omar Cardoso
9:30 - Discomentando - Ricardo Macedo
10:00 - Pick up do Pica Pau - Fernando Solera
12:00 - Mil discos é o limite - Fernando Solera
13:00 - Telefone pedindo bis - Henzo de Almeida Passos - Gessy
14:00 - É disco que eu gosto - Fausto Canova - Crush
14:30 - Atendendo o ouvinte - Henzo de Almeida Passos
15:00 - Qual é a música? - Rubens Greiffo
16:00 - Vitrola mágica - Henzo de Almeida Passos - Eletro-radiobrás
17:00 - Sem discussão - Vicente Leporace
18:00 - Os brotos comandam - Sergio Galvão - Kibon
18:30 - Sambalanço - Fausto Canova
22:00 - Programa Moraes Sarmento - Rivo
Luiz Aguiar, here seen performing for a Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo-SP radio station, was a DJ for Radio Bandeirantes in the late 1960s and 1970s.
Radio Bandeirantes in the afternoon
Radio Bandeirantes in the 1970s. Moraes Sarmento at Noon, Sergio Galvão at 1:00 PM, José Paulo de Andrade at 2:00, Luiz Aguiar at 3:00, Enzo de Almeida Passos at 4:00, Wanderley Cardoso at 5:30, Miguel Vaccaro Netto at 5:30 and Giogia Junior at 6:00.