Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Rua Xavier de Toledo, Conselheiro Crispiniano

O quarteirão da rua Conselheiro Crispiniano entre a rua Barão de Itapetininga e a rua 7 de Abril nos anos 1950s - era conhecido pela concentração de lojas de fotografia como a Fotoptica, Lutz Ferrando e outras. Nesse trecho passava as linhas de bondes para Pinheiros no. 29 e Vila Madalena no. 28.
Casa Anglo-Brasileira aka Mappin during 1953 Christmas season.
A young couple of Japanese extraction stroll through Rua Conselheiro Crispiniano in 1957. Theatro Municipal is seen on the left-hand side and Mappin Stores in the background.
Rua Xavier de Toledo in the 1940s.
Rua Xavier de Toledo looking east. September 1947.
Tram car initial Stop; #28 Vila Madalena and #29 Pinheiros.
trams standing at Rua Xavier de Toledo during the Christmas season... it could be 1962
Fradique Coutinho tram car going up Rua Xavier de Toledo towards Pinheiros. Sept. 1947 
same rua Xavier de Toledo in the 2010s.
Rua Xavier de Toledo on the right, Theatro Municipal on the left & Viaducto do Chá leading up to the other side of the Valley of  Anhangabaú. September 1947.
This could be 1963, 1964 or 1967. One can see a Simca-Chambord, a Gordini and many VWs parked on the left-hand side. I wish I knew their make-year. A Vila Anastacio bus is coming towards us. 
crowd waiting to get into the #28 Vila Madalena tram (streetcar) in the late 1950s.
Same spot on Rua Xavier de Toledo in 1952; the tram shelter hadn't been built yet but one can see two trams aproaching. One would be #28 Vila Madalena and the other #29 Pinheiros
Xavier de Toledo next to Rua 7 de Abril, in 1940
Rua Xavier de Toledo with Rua Quirino de Andrade on the right side. See Banespa building still unfinished in the background. It would open its doors on 27 June 1947.
same view 12 years later...1959.
a street vendor selling some stuff in front of Mappin Stores in the 1950s. 
Xavier de Toledo in the 1940s
much earlier... at the turn of the century...
Mappin's building is finally finished in 14 September 1947 (OESP).

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