Saturday, February 6, 2016

AVENIDA IPIRANGA 1950s & beyond...

Avenida Ipiranga looking towards Avenida Rio Branco.
Viação Cometa on the corner of Avenida Rio Branco & Avenida Ipiranga -  early 1950s.
Av. Ipiranga corner Av. São Luiz in the 1951; see Maurice Chevalier bills covering a protective fence on Colegio Caetano de Campos.  
Colegio Caetano de Campos, 1954.
Edifício Esther designed by Alvaro Vital Brasil (son of a famous public health doctor) was the first modernist building in São Paulo. Painter Di Cavalcanti lived in a flat there. 
Avenida Ipiranga corner with Rua 24 de Maio
Av. Ipiranga in 1952. Pça da República on the right-side; Consolação church at the top. 
Av. Ipiranga next to Av. São Luiz - see Vila Normanda on the right hand side. These German-style houses would soon be demolished to have Edificio Italia in its place... 
Av. Ipiranga corner with Av. São Luiz; Vila Normanda is seen on the far right side. 
Edifício Italia's construction in the early 1960s. It took the place of Vila Normanda
...a few years later... 

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