Radio Bandeirantes was the most popular radio station in São Paulo in the first half of the 1960s. Bandeirantes supremacy though was dented by Helio Ribeiro's complete make-over of Radio Tupi in late 1964. So we could safely say Bandeirantes ruled the waves for half a decade.
Here's a whole-page advertising on 24 November 1963, Sunday at 'O Estado de S.Paulo' in which one can see what it took for Radio Bandeirantes to be the Number One station in the city.
09:00 - Omar Cardoso - A dança das horas
09:30 - Ricardo Macedo - Discomentando
10:00 - Fernando Solera - Pick up do Pica Pau
12:00 - Fernando Solera - Mil discos é o limit
13:00 - Enzo de Almeida Passos - Telefone pedindo bis
14:00 - Fausto Canova - É disco que eu gosto
14:30 - Enzo de Almeida Passos- Atendendo o ouvinte
15:00 - Rubens Greiffo - Qual é a música?
16:00 - Enzo de Almeida Passos - Vitrola mágica
17:00 - Vicente Leporace - Sem discussão
18:00 - Sergio Galvão - Os brotos comandam
18:30 - Fausto Canova - Sambalanço
Radio Bandeirantes used to register their programme titles as trade-marks even when their names referred to a particular DJ as Walter Silva who had been known as Pica Pau all his life due to his sporting a big nose. Walter devised a title for his show as 'Pick up do Pica Pau' (Woodpecker's pick-up) but wasn't cunning enough to beat the radio station in its own game. When Walter Silva left the broadcaster due to a salary dispute Radio Bandeirantes kept the name of HIS show.
The same happened to DJ Henrique Lobo who devised a name for his programme - 'É disco que eu gosto' - that was registered surreptitiously by Bandeirantes as its own trade mark.
singer João Dias with Enzo de Almeida Passos, the man of the hour at Radio Bandeirantes.
Eu ouvia muito o "Telefone pedindo Bis" e "Os brotos comandam" !