Rua Condessa de São Joaquim looking from Av. da Liberdade towards Av. Brigadeiro Luiz Antonio in 1970.
Rua Genebra in 1942.
Unidentified street corner in Bela Vista in the early 1950s.
Rua Santo Antonio, in 1952. It was originally called Saint Anthony Street because it started right next to Saint Anthony's church at Praça do Patriarca. Later, when Largo do Piques was turned into Praça da Bandeira, Rua Santo Antonio ended up losing this stretch.
Rua Direita, which ends at Praça do Patriarca, was originally called Rua Direita de Santo Antonio; with times though the name was shortened to Rua Direita.
Rua Santo Antonio in 1952.
Bela Vista seen from Morro dos Ingleses (English Heights). Rua Dr. Luiz Barreto on the foreground to the left; the first intersection is Rua Conselheiro Carrão: Our Lady Chiropita's dome on Rua 13 de Maio, which runs parallel to rua Dr. Luiz Barreto (can be seen on the right); the 2 larger buildings on the right background is Colégio Des Oiseaux; if you really look harder you'll see the towers of Sacred Heart's School and Sorocabana train station in the background.
Rua 13 de Maio, in 1969.