Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Viaducto do Chá


1938... girl's name is Nadir; she was born in 1936...only 2.
Rua XV de Novembro in 1940.
on a grey morning in 1941
Avenida São João in 1945
strolling along Praça do Patriarca in the 1950s
a closer look to Mum & daughter... 
two well-dressed brothers in the early 1950s.
Dad, sonny, Mum & daughter walking down Viaduct do Chá in 1954
the same footpath, now looking at Mappin Department Stores.
Mum & dad walk up with their children...
Street vendor plies his ware in front of Mappin Stores... 
on a rainy day at the Viaduct in 1959.
Viaducto do Chá in 1960
Elza Soares & Garrincha with a friend on 8 July 1966
Viaducto do Chá novíssimo e o antigo ainda intacto. Note o bonde Vila Madalena no. 28, virando a Barão de Itapetininga para passar em frente ao Mappin, dobrar à esquerda na rua Conselheiro Crispiniano, dobrar à esquerda novamente na rua 7 de Abril, dobrar à direita na rua Xavier de Toledo e seguir em frente em direção à rua da Consolação.
Praça do Patriarca, 1943
in the 1950s.
Rua do Tesouro in 1956. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Rua da Consolação


Rua da Consolação looking south in the early 1950s. It is the last block before it reaches Avenida Paulista. One can see a tram car going towards Pinheiros or Vila Madalena. On the right hand footpath there are Bazar Ritz, named-so due to the existence of Cine Ritz-Consolação just across the street (where the tram is). See also Radio União Discos, a record-shop and Lustres Bobadilha, a chandelier & lighting fixture shop. 
Rua da Consolação corner with rua Caio Prado on the left and rua Maria Antonia on the right. circa 1964.
Teatro Record, former Cine Rio, when sensational German actress-singer Marlene Dietrich performed there from 3 to 9 August 1959, always accompanied by pianist song-writer Burt Bacharach. Cine Rio was a project of architects Gilberto M.Tinoco & Ibsen Pivatelli
Teatro Record at Rua da Consolação, in 1965
Teatro Record on a Roquette Pinto Award Gala Night in the 1960s
Cine America on Rua da Consolação showing Frank Capra's 1941's 'Meet John Doe' (Adorável vagagundo) with Cary Cooper & Barbara Stanwick. It would be demolished and in its place they built Cine Rio which in early 1959 opened as Teatro Record.
colourized photo of Rua da Consolação in 1956.
Consolação next to rua Caio Prado looking down to Av.Ipiranga circa 1965
Grupo Escolar & Ginasio Estadual Professora Marina Cintra on 14 July 1950.
Consolação Church in 1953
Cine Trianon at Rua da Consolação corner with Avenida Paulista was closed temporarily in early 1967; it was renovated and re-opened on 29 June 1967, bearing a new name: Cine Belas Artes. Most people think Cine Ritz-Consolação and Cine Trianon were at the same site but that's not right. They were 2 different cinema-houses standing next to each other. As city planners had an old project to enlarge Rua da Consolação, every new building would be constructed with an empity space in its front. That's why one could park cars in front of Cine Trianon, for that space was reserved to be part of a Greater Consolação. The sign announces the theatre would soon bear another name: Cine Belas Artes

See that Cine Ritz-Consolação (to the left) even though it had been closed for a few years it was still standing.
Rua da Consolação circa 1960, before being enlarged (1968). 
By 1968, Cine Ritz-Consolação was dead & gone; Cine Trianon had been renamed Cine Belas Artes and Rua da Consolação was a large two-way street. 
Rua da Consolação in 1970
Consolação next to Paulista in 1968
13 September 1968
Rua da Consolação seen from Rua Amaral Gurgel and Praça Roosevelt on 28 February 1968 while it was being enlarged. See a gasoline station and Instituto Clemente Ferreira on the left. 
Rua da Consolação, 1938.
Rua Martins Fontes turns into Av. São Luiz crossing Rua da Consolação in the 1950s

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Pinheiros & its environs


Largo de Pinheiros in 1950. Our Lady of Mont Serrat Church still under-construction; Jardim Bonfiglioli real estate company was selling lots in the newest suburb; ladies with children wait for busses. 
On this shot the photographer asked his subjects to turn around and pose properly... 
Largo de Pinheiros in 1950.

Largo de Pinheiros, in 1963
Our Lady of Mont Serrat at Largo de Pinheiros in 1942
Largo de Pinheiros in 1963.
half-colourized Largo de Pinheiros in 1963.
Largo de Pinheiros in the early 1950s. 
Rua Butantã in the early 1970s seen from Largo de Pinheiros, having Cine Goiás in the back. 
Rua Butantã at Largo de Pinheiros in 2023... 
Rua Fradique Coutinho in 1953; from rua Theodoro Sampaio looking toward rua Pinheiros; the car entering Fradique on the left-hand side comes from rua Arthur de Azevedo


Rua Fradique Coutinho in the late 1950s, with tramcar Praça Ramos de Azevedo #28 just passing Rua Aspicuelta, with a pizzeria on the corner...a dog is scratching himself before the tramcar passes... 
Rua Wizard with Rua Fidalga, circa 1955
José Antonio de Pádua Reis in front his home at Rua Harmonia, 472 sometime in the 1950s.
Rua Fidalga in 1958. 
Rua Purpurina corner with Rua Harmonia in 1980
Rua Theodoro Sampaio corner with rua Capote Valente looking towards Pinheiros in 1952.

Joaquim Gaspar Machado wrote at Facebook on 12 November 2022: Os sobrados a direita não foram demolidos mas estão escondidos por novas fachadas. Nasci em Pinheiros onde vivi até 1969. Afirmo o local como Teodoro Sampaio x Capote Valente. Fui a muitos bailes pró-formatura que se realizaram em um desses sobrados em 1956.

Luiz Amorim: Mas, a Capote Valente não é em declive? 

Joaquim: Luiz, a câmera está voltada para a Teodoro Sampaio em direção à Pinheiros. Na esquina já começa o declive da Teodoro, que é quase imperceptível mas pode ser observado nos muros da frente do conjunto de sobrados. Se um dia vc puder vá ao local (Restaurante Degas) e posicione-se na direção de Pinheiros, na esquina.

Luiz: Oi, Joaquim, só agora percebi pela foto q eu te conheço do Páteo do Colégio. Que bom te ver novamente. Confio na sua memória. Eu conhecia bem a Theodoro no trecho entre a Fradique e o Largo de Pinheiros, pois trabalhei no 2112, de 1961 a 1967. Me lembro que, certa vez, você disse que era "Sobretudo Intrépido" o "apelido" da Capote Valente...

Joaquim: Que beleza Luiz! Me perdoe mas não o reconheci! Há anos não vou ao Pateo por causa da Pandemia. Há poucos dias revi muitas fotos do pessoal desde os anos 90s. Abraços. "Sobretudo Audaz" = Capote Valente.
Rua Girassol in 1960; on a Sunday morning one can see girls dressed in white for their First Communion officiated by Padre Olavo Pezzotti; it looks down towards Cemitério São Paulo.

Pinheiros tram car on Avenida Dr Arnaldo in 1952. See Medical School grounds on the right.
Avenida Dr Arnaldo and the Medical School buildings in 1953.
Flower sellers on Avenida Dr. Arnaldo in 1953
Avenida Dr Arnaldo in 1975.
Avenida Rebouças with Av. Dr. Arnaldo with Hospital das Clínicas in the back... 
Avenida Rebouças in 1958
Avenida Rebouças next to Rua Oscar Freire, in 1957.
Colégio Estadual Godofredo Furtado, an Art Deco marvel... located at Rua João Moura.
one of Godofredo Furtado's many classes... circa 1963
Godofredo Furtado's students' various uniforms...