Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Cine Prata in Vila Gustavo

This is where Cine Prata at Vila Gustavo used to be; Av. Julio Buono, often mispelt as Julio Bueno

I used to visit some second-degree once removed cousins who lived at Vila Gustavo circa 1962. We got on the bus at Vale do Anhangabaú near Avenida Tiradentes and it took a whole hour to get to Vila Gustavo. Those relatives lived in a house with no running water which struck me as 'unusual'. They had a well in their backyard. 

As we got off the bus on Avenida Julio Buono I asked my Mother to wait for me while I went up to Cine Prata's lobby to check up on the lobby cards and see what was on offer. What struck me as particularly attractive was the Republic Picture serials they still showed at those far-away places... 

Cine Prata was still exhibiting 1949 'Batman & Robin' in 1962


  1. Acho que era na minha casa que vces vinham, ai que bom se fossem voces

    1. Era a casa do Sr. Sebastião Redondo e dona Conceição. Eles eram os pais de Maria da Gloria Redondo, que casou-se com meu tio João Baptista Darin. Havia 3 moças na casa: Cota, Ditinha e Mariza, a caçula. Isso tudo nos idos anos de 1961 ou 1962... A gente descia do ônibus perto do Cine Prata, e subia (provavelmente) a Rua da Esperança e andava vários quarteirões até chegar na casinha com um poço no fundo do quintal. Boas recordações daquelas visitas.
